Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cencaluk Chicken (Ayam Cencaluk)

Cencaluk shrimps appeared for short while in Miri and that means you can find fresh Cencaluk & Belacan in the fresh market. I've been waiting for Cencaluk to try out this popular dish by CMG and only now I have the opportunity to do so. It is such a special taste and very delicious. Even my two sons love it.

By: Roz@HomeKreation

Source: Rabiatun / AhMatGebu

(Translated & modified slightly)


8 Shallots*

2cm Turmeric Root*

3 Lemongrass* (* blend) 

600g Chicken Breast

1/2 cup Cencaluk

3 Kafir Lime Leaves

1/4 cup Tamarind Juice

8 Shallots**

3 cloves Garlic** (** slice & fry until crispy) 

2 Green Chilies***

2 Red Chilies***

Chili Padi*** (*** sliced) 



1. Heat up 1/4 cup oil & stir fry blended ingredients until fragrant.

Add in chicken, cencaluk & lime leaves, tamarind juice & sugar.

Cover pot & let chicken cooked.

2. Open cover & continue to cook until thicken.

Add in sliced chilies & fried onion.

Squeeze lemon juice if you like (I skipped because sour enough).

3. Dish out & serve with white rice.


Lauk yang unik & sungguh sedap. Thanks MatGebu for sharing such a nice dish.

8 ulas Bwg Merah*
2cm Kunyit Hidup*
3 btg Serai* (* blend)
600g Dada Ayam
1/2 cwn Cencaluk
3 Kafir Lime Leaves
1/4 cwn Air Asam Jawa
ulas Bwg Merah**
3 ulas Bwg Putih** (** hiris & goreng rangup) 
2 bj Cili Hijau***
2 bj Cili Merah***
Cili Padi*** (*** hiris) 

1. Panaskan 1/4 cwn minyak & tumis bhn blend.
Masukkan ayam, cencaluk, daun limau, air asam jawa & gula.
Tutup periuk sehingga ayam masak.

2. OBuka tutup & masak sehingga kuah pekat.
Masukkan cili & bwg goreng.
Picitkan limau kasturi jika suka (tak bubuh sbb dah cukup rasa msm).

3. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih.



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