Monday, March 21, 2011

Mini Vegetable Omelets

 I was not in a mood to cook vegetables for dinner and therefore added some vegetable into the omelet. I had some leftover coconut milk so experimenting it into the omelet and it turned out very tasty and soft - I'm very please with the outcome and sharing it herewith with all of you.

By: Roz@HomeKreation

Makes two mini 4" diameter omelet


2 large Eggs

1/4 cup Coconut Milk

1/2 Potato*

1/4 Carrot* (* grate into matchstick shape) 

1/4 Big Onion**

1 Green Chili** (** sliced) 

Salt & Pepper


1. Beat eggs lightly & add the rest of the ingredients.

2. Heat a tbsp oil in a small 4" diameter pan.

Pour half of the batter & cook until one side is golden color.

Flip & cook the other side briefly. Dish out.

Repeat with the other half of the batter.

3. Slice & serve with rice along other dishes.


Takda mood nak masak sayur jadi Along masukkan jer ke dlm telur dadar bersama lebihan santan dari masakan gulai. Sedap & lembut.

2 bj Telur
1/4 cwn Santan
1/2 bj Kentang*
1/4 btg Karot* (* sagat kasar spt mancis) 
1/4 bj Bwg Besar**
1 bj Cili Hijau** (** hiris) 
Garam & Lada Sulah

1. Pukul telur & campurkan kesemua bahan2.
2. Panaskan 1 sb minyak di dlm kuali kecil selebar 4".
Tuangkan separuh bancuhan telur & masak sehingga bhgn bwh masak.
Terbalikkan, masak sebentar & angkat.

Ulangi dgn adunan yg separuh lagi.
3. Potong & hidangkan dgn nasi & lauk sampingan yg lain.



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